
Have you ever sat back and really taken the time to think through what the one thing that you want most in life is? Are you ever afraid that you'll never get that one desire? I know I am. I know what I want, and there are times when my longing has me on the verge of tears, despite the fact that at this point in my life, if I were to get what I want, it wouldn't exactly be a good thing. I would be ecstatic, don't get me wrong, I would be completely elated, but I know that I'm not in a position capable of dealing with having what I want. Yes, I realize that I haven't stated what my deepest and most heartfelt longing in this life is, and I don't plan to either, it's just on my mind even more than usual right now, and it keeps coming to mind that I may never get what I so desperately want. That's not necessarily the best feeling. It's a painful realization and a bit depressing too, but no matter how much I want it, if it's not in the Lord's will, there is nothing I can do about it other than accept that He has other plans. I don't know that He doesn't have it in mind to eventually allow me the privilege of have what I want, but I guess I have to acknowledge that He may have other things in store for me. That's a difficult fact for me to swallow, but in a recent conversation with my cousin, as she was telling me about something that she desperately wants but is afraid she may never get, she mentioned a verse that has really helped her. I think the verse fits for pretty much any answer you might give to my first question, but strangely enough, my cousin and I have the same desire...though it makes a lot more since coming from her than it does from me. My cousin is someone who I really admire, and being able to see her trust the Lord in the situation is so encouraging and really cool. So, as an encouragement to anyone else who may be in a similar struggle, no matter what the desire may be, this is the verse she shared with me:

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4

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